Image Study
An opportunity for formal feedback on your work; each member is encouraged to present two photographs (either digital, for projection, or print or one of each… we are flexible!) at the monthly meeting. These images will be presented to the group and members asked to provide constructive feedback on them… both strengths and weaknesses. The presentation of “works in progress” is encouraged. Makers are also encouraged to ask commenter’s to address specific issues in addition to asking for general feedback.
Have a larger group of photographs you want to present to the group? Contact the President about week before the meeting and we will give you a 15-30 minute slot (as time permits) on the agenda. Both projected (digital) images and prints can be accommodated.
Photos presented by digital projection should be sized to fit within a space that is 1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high.
For a landscape format (i.e. one that is wider than it is tall) image one should set the width of the image to 1024 pixels and allow the software to adjust the height while maintaining the original aspect ratio. However, be sure to check that the height is 768 pixels or less. If it is not, set the height to 768 pixels and allow the software to set the width.
For a portrait format image (i.e. one that is taller than it is wide) set the height to 768 pixels and allow the software to adjust the width while maintain the original aspect ratio. Check the width to be sure that it is less than 1024 pixels. If it is not, set the width to 1024 pixels and allow the software to set the height.
Many photos can be optimized by applying a small bit of sharpening after they have been resized.
The exact procedures for resizing and sharpening will depend on the software used; ask for help if needed!
Files for digital competitions must be sized to fit 1024 x 768 pixels (see the section just above for details on how to do this).
Files for digital competitions and circuits must be named according to the following convention:
GC#Dark Clouds##John Smith###101.jpgwhere:
1. The image type: "GC" for Open or General and "NC" for Nature
2. Followed by "#"
3. The image name (Dark Clouds in this example)
4. Followed by ##
5. Makers first and last name (John Smith in this example)
6. Followed by ###
7. Followed by your clubs ID Number (MCC's ID Number is 141)
Rules for NECCC Competitions
- Color Print Competitions (pdf file)
- Black and White Print Competitions (pdf file)
- Digital Competitions (pdf file)
- Additional Rules for Nature Images (from the PSA website)